Promotional items such as advertisements, commercials and trade magazines helped generate hype in the industry and at trade shows.
Notice that the Eldon catalogs include "As Seen on TV" images on several sets. Some of these can be seen on the Commercials page.
 Playthings March 1968 (pg 71) |
 Playthings March 1968 (pg 324) |
 Playthings March 1968 (pg 325) |
 Chatelaine Magazine Ad 1968 |
 Playthings March 1969 |
 Eldon Ad 1969 |
 Eldon Ad 1970 |
This product insert came from a blister packed Scuba Scout figure and looks to be what was included in all the blister packed figures and vehicles in the UK. It lists all the individual figures, vehicles and accessory packs that were available at the time. The sheet is printed front and back on a 13 x 10 3/4" paper which is folded, rolled and taped then tucked into a well on the back side of the blister packs. I believe that these blister packs were only availble in the UK although there are some separate figures, vehicles and accessory packs listed in the US Eldon catalogs.
- Includes both gen 1 and gen 2 Space Scouts which suggests a 1970 publication date.
- Does not include Cargo Jet suggesting it possibly was not available in the UK.
- Includes addendum sticker regarding images showing combinations that may require more than one purchase.
 Eldon UK product insert (1970 front) |
 Eldon UK product insert (1970 front with addendum) |
 Eldon UK product insert (1970 back) |
 Scalecraft product insert (1968/69?, UK) |
- Billy Blastoff is introduced in the Fall 1968 Eldon catalog.
- Jet Pack also referred to as "back pack".
- Prototype Jet Pack. Notice side clips, switch with plastic cover and white painted on/off lettering.
- Prototype Exploration Tractor. Notice inverted front hook.
- Prototype Radar Scope. No graphics on screen and differnt coloring.
- Prototype Space Gun.
- Prototype accessory jacks.
- Eldon company description and office location pictures on back page.
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1968 (cover) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1968 (page 20-21) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1968 (back page 40) |
- Billy Blastoff and Robbie Robot make the cover of the Eldon catalog.
- Space Base, Robbie Robot, Fire Fighter, Cargo Jet and Construction sets marked as "New".
- Scuba Scout not marked as "New" yet not in previous fall catalog.
- Space Scout, Space Base. Robbie Robot, Scuba Scout, Fire Fighter, Cargo Jet, Construction and Bubble Popper marked "As Seen on TV".
- Individual accessory packs marked as "New".
- Dealer displays shown. Space Scout is image of actual product while other sets are concept
drawings which were altered before release.
- Comics offered separately and are said to be "included in EVERY major toy packaged at Eldon
- from sail boats to road race sets."
- Bubble Popper shown.
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (cover) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 2-3) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 4-5) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 6-7) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 8-9) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 10-11) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 12-13) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 14-15) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1969 (page 55) |
 Eldon Dealer Price Sheet Fall 1969 (page 1) |
 Eldon Dealer Price Sheet Fall 1969 (page 4) |
- Only Japanese Space Scout is for sale.
- Window packaging is introduced.
- First appearance of dealer displays for Space Base, Space Scout, Robbie Robot, Construction, Cargo Jet, Fire Fighter and Scuba Scout.
- Space Scout, Space Base, Construciton, Fire Fighter and Scuba Scout are marked "As Seen on TV".
- Walking Billy Blastoff is introduced with a re-styled look and square Jet Pack with the switch on the side.
- Space Base and Space Scout sets are re-styled with more NASA-like look and the Space Gun is replaced with a more peaceful Lunar Probe Camera.
- Robby Robot has his round Jet Pack replaced with the square pack and switch on the side.
- Robby Robot set is re-styled and the Grabber is replaced with a new Walking Vehicle.
- Billy and Robbie are now available individually.
- Space Base's Grabber no longer has the control buttons and therefor only goes forward and does not stall, go in reverse or cycle the claw.
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (cover) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page ??) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog Fall 1970 (page 31) |
This catalog came from a seller in England and for each image page with English description, there is a corresponding page with French, German, Italian and Spanish translation. Some interesting observations are:
- The layouts are nearly identical to the US catalog layouts without the "As Seen on TV" tags.
- At this time I believe that the US sets were sold with no modification in the English market but I have only yet seen one example of non-English box art and that is a German set. Also, Spanish sets were made by Nacoral. So, are there any other non-English language boxes out there in the UK/European market? And, did the US sets make their way into other European countries. Or, was this catalog only an attempt to open markets in other countries?
- The single Robbie and Billy figures seen in the US catalog are not seen here.