Stock #: 9486 |
Release year: 1970* |
Sold in: USA |
Sold by: Eldon |
Manufactured in: Japan |
* The box has a copyright date of 1970 but the set is listed as "new" in the Eldon Fall 1971 catalog. Box art includes new for '71 Eldon logo with truncated "For the fun of it." tag line.
This appears to be the last Billy Blastoff set released in the US. Unfortunately it's kind of a fizzle rather than a bang. Although it's a nice looking set it just seems incomplete with just one vehicle, a tow sled and no lighted accessory. I mean it gets dark out there in the blizzard right? I would rather have seen Billy ride out in the sunset on a snarling malamute carrying a lighted torch. Note the branding changes: It's just "Billy" and no longer "Billy Blastoff". Also, "Eldon, just for the fun of it" is now "Eldon, for the fun of it".
 Billy (snowmobile) |
 Snowmobile |
 Trailer Sled |
 Snowshoes |
 Short Wave Radio |
 Snowmobile Set |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog 1971 (cover) |
 Eldon Dealer Catalog 1971 (page 23) |